The Register of Approved Huguenot Ancestors, Sixth Ed. 2025

This edition will replace the Fifth Edition and its two updates, including new material.

PUBLICATION DATE: Watch this space!

2020 UPDATE to The 2012 Register of Approved Huguenot Ancestors, Fifth Ed. 2012 and The 2016 Consolidated Update (2020)

The 70-page 2020 UPDATE is a supplement to The National Huguenot Society’s previously published Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors of The National Huguenot Society Fifth Edition 2012 and the Consolidated Update 2016. It presents 17 newly-approved Huguenot ancestor lineages, and 21 revised or expanded ancestor lineages, with up to five generations of each. It is published in color to take advantage of its section of historical maps.


2016 Consolidated Update to Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors
of The National Huguenot Society Fifth Edition, 2012

The 2016 Consolidated Update is a supplement to The National Huguenot Society’s previously published Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors of the National Huguenot Society, Fifth Edition 2012 . This consolidated update – meant to be used for genealogical research in conjunction with the 2012 publication – contains new and corrected lineage information received in 2013, 2014, and 2015 that is not included in the base publication. Specifically included in this update is:

  • New approved Huguenot ancestors;
  • Revised and expanded ancestor lineages;
  • Corrections to the 2012 Ancestor Register;
  • Identification of new closed lines.

Publication price: $20.00 postpaid for members of The National Huguenot Society, and $23.00 postpaid for non-members.

About the Authors

Nancy Wright Brennan

After a management career in San Antonio, Nancy launched into a leadership role in the field of genealogy and hereditary patriotic organizations. She is the current Genealogist General for The National Huguenot Society, and was its past Registrar General 2009-2015. She is the President of The Huguenot Society of Texas, and is a Past President of the Texas State Genealogical Society, and a Past President of the San Antonio Genealogical and Historical Society. Nancy is a member of about a dozen other lineage societies, including National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, past Chapter Regent and past National Vice Chairman; Colonial Dames of America; Colonial Dames of XVII Century; National Society U.S. Daughters of 1812; Society of Descendants of Colonial Clergy; Daughters of American Colonists; National Society of New England Women; Magna Charta Dames and Barons; Women Descendants of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company.

Jeannine Sheldon Kallal

Born in Chicago, Jeannine was raised in Hinsdale, IL. She earned her B.A., cum laude, from Miami University (OH) majoring in Spanish and French while minoring in English and history. Jeannine earned her M.A. plus accruing doctoral hours at Indiana University where she was a teaching assistant. After teaching Spanish at North Park University (Chicago) and Elmhurst (IL) College for several years, Jeannine pursued her growing interest in genealogy and reading, and has proven her lineage to join more than thirty hereditary and patriotic societies. She has served many of them, as registrar and/or genealogist and in other offices, including the national presidencies of three of them.


Member order:

Non-member order:

Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors of The National Huguenot Society Fifth Edition, 2012

The Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors of The National Huguenot Society, Fifth Edition 2012, is now available for purchase. It identifies more than 600 Huguenot ancestors, descent from whom is proof of qualification for membership in The National Huguenot Society. By listing the proven ancestors whose descendants have joined The National Huguenot Society over the years the Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors of The National Huguenot Society, Fifth Edition 2012 is more than a mere reference book; it is potentially the go-to source of Huguenot genealogical data available today in America.

Its highlights include:

  • Bringing each approved ancestor “to life” through a brief biographical sketch which reaches back into French and American history and culture.
  • Identifying two or more generations of each ancestors’ descendants.
  • Providing a biographical sketch of descendants’ lives.
  • Identifying related Huguenot families.
  • Recommending areas of further research needed to fill existing gaps in genealogical proof.
  • Citing the source material from which the data was derived.
  • Providing fascinating factoids or valuable genealogical and biographical insights on every page.