The National Huguenot Society
Welcome to the National Huguenot Society website. We hope you enjoy becoming familiar with our organization. We hope your visit helps you along your research and membership journey.
If you are interested in membership, please contact us through a state chapter or the National Registrar General. As Janet Walker, Honorary President General says, “We are fun and friendly.”
We are a group of descendants of the Huguenots (French Protestants), who came from all around France. Our ancestors came by various routes to the United States. Some of them came directly to the colonies. Others of them came through England, Canada, Germany, or other countries to get here. Some of them have stayed here. Other have moved to other places around the globe.
To join, you will need a fully documented lineal descent from a Huguenot ancestor who either:
Jo Lee Brooks Potts – President General
President General Jo Lee Potts