The Huguenot Society of North Carolina


Application for regular membership must be made through The Huguenot Society of North Carolina as a member society of The National Huguenot Society. The application form itself is available for downloading by clicking on the appropriate link below.

Each membership application, fully documenting lineal descent from a Huguenot ancestor in an acceptable genealogical manner, must be accompanied by a one-time application fee and the amount of the first year's annual dues.

A brochure with more detailed information on the application process which includes step-by-step instructions for submission, the name and contact information for the North Carolina Society Registrar who can assist in answering questions, and a schedule of the fees and dues that must accompany the application can be requested via email from the President of The Huguenot Society of North Carolina at

A listing of Huguenot surnames currently recognized as qualified Huguenot ancestors for purposes of admission to The National Huguenot Society is provided by The National Huguenot Society. to aid you in your research. These names comprise a complete listing of all Huguenot names submitted and documented to the satisfaction of The National Huguenot Society to date. This listing is not - and never will be - a complete or exhaustive listing of names which would qualify an individual for membership in the Society. Thousands of additional Huguenots have yet to be identified and documented according to accepted genealogical methods.

The following links may be useful in determining membership eligibility and in submitting an application form: